Heritage Protection for Griffith Flats

The GNCA welcomes the Griffith Flats being given heritage protection (NI2024-71).  The 1948 flats reflect Garden City planning. They are a well-preserved example of Canberra’s medium density government housing. The 48 two bedroom flats are bounded by Canberra Avenue, Eyre Street, Oxley Street and Dawes Street.  (Refer map below.) Like the Kingston …

ISCCC ACT Election 2024 Public Forum

ACT Election 2024 – What are the Inner South’s priorities ? Keep the date – Public Forum 26 February, 7pm Eastlakes Football Club, 3 Oxley St, Griffith What issues would you like to put on the table?  Planning, housing, transport, help for young people, the elderly or minority communities? Or something …